Stichting Klankschap (soundscape foundation) was founded in 1983 to provide a platform for improving the awareness of the sounds that surround us every day. Sounds that we normally suppress in order to hear the iceing on the cake. The quality of sound however, can only be judged after it has been heard.
A conservative estimation indicates that around 80% of all sounds in the western environment are unintentional. They sound as an artefact of something else, not in order to be be listened to by themselves. e.g. aeroplanes, trains, cars and motorcycles are made to transport things from one place to another. Not as a musical instrument. Traditionally, music is made to be listened to; not as a mean to mask the traffic noise...
And sometimes people are too busy to listen to the music.
Floris van Manen
He is living his time in the grey zone between art & technology. Live audio recording & mastering, teaching & lecturing, computer programming & composing, pen plotting with ink on paper, using light for changes in shape & color. Throughout his work the structures & variations there in are of paramount interest to him. Distribution of time in space, of both image & sound. He searches for solutions that are proof against irritation & boredom. A quest for refinement of simplicity.
In addition to his own (personal) work van Manen has been or is involved in projects by (amongst others):
Ton de Leeuw | Peter Struycken | Jeroen Visser | Kjell Samkopf | Egil Martin Kurdøl | Jussi Liimatainen | Theatre Academy Helsinki of the University of the Arts Helsinki | Cort Lippe | Sander Idzerda | Epenko | Jaap Achterberg | Ward Weis | WAF2008 | Henkjan Honing | Galerie de Expeditie | Vincent van Merwijk | Fatos Vladi | Mikea Media | Smalts | Olaf Rupp | Mieke van Wijk | Metric Halo | Earthworks | Mass und Fieber | Margriet Hoenderdos | Roger Doyle | John Cage | Iannis Xenakis | Morton Feldman | Michael Moore | Lindsey Horner | Michael Vatcher | Fay Lovsky | Jacob Slagter | Peter van Bergen | Loos | Trio Trecordate | Trio Dolce | Ensemble Lunet | Lost & Found | Johan Cornelissen | Jaap Drupsteen | Jean-Claude Eloy | To-Mi | Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam | AMC Amsterdam | uncool2007 | Harish Johari | Marian Zanen | De Horde | Maarten van der Burg | Boucher Natuursteen bv | Alice Fuldauer | Crystal Lake Video | Transtec bv | Stichting The Busy Drone | Mendelssohn Trio | Synton bv | Dick Hauser | Carlo Del Bosq | Laurens Tan | Klaus Huber | Bill Bruford | Leendert van der Ree | Webinform | Leendert De Jonge | Huygens Gitaar Duo | NOS | KRO | VARA | Vincent Monnikendam | Stichting Nieuwe Muziek Zeeland | Josine van Droffelaar | Wies Smalts | Stichting de Appel | Sabrina Kamstra | Metaform bv | Paul Verhoeven | Ank Muller | Grace Films | De Beeldenstorm bv | Birgit Engel | Julian Herman | Marina Abramovic | Ulay | HBO-Raad | Jaap Vink | Stichting Gaudeamus | Moniek Toebosch | Michel Waisvisz | VPRO | Han Reiziger | Rolf Orthel | Jesse Read | Marga Mulder | Milko Kelemen | Klause Wiese | Available Jelly | Daan Manneke | Niklaus Urban | Bridge Books | Stichting Steim | Jim van der Woude | Walter Nuijens | Events bv | Maarten Altena | Felix Visser | Synton | Musicon | Data General Nederland | Elsa Stansfield | Madelon Hooijkaas | Cecilie Ore | Mathijs van Manen | Stichting Orkater | Jan van Eijck Academie | Stichting Klankschap | Katrien Gottlieb | Frederieke Jochems | Sweelinck Conservatorium Amsterdam | daad Berlin | Bots | Willem de Ridder | Polygram | Christine Koenigs | Ad van 't Veer | Prof C.H.A. Koster | CIAMI Paris | de IJsbreker | Concert Zender Amsterdam | Christiaan Bastiaans | Neomat United Labs | Time Based Arts | Delta Ensemble | Talking Back To The Media | Amsterdams Gitaar Trio | KABK | Stichting Donemus | Stichting Musicom | Guus Janssen | Oscar van Alphen | AVRO | Teo Joling | Regina Baumgart | Paul Termos | ASKO | Maud Sauer | Stichting Perspexx | Shaffy Theater Amsterdam | Margreet Bongers | Jan van der Stappen | Stichting Claxon | Felix Meritis | Min Tourism & Culture Ghana | Trimpin | Wereld Omroep Nederland | Karel Haverkamp | Vraja Academy Vrindavan India | Int Computer Music Conference | Siewert Verster | Attacca | Nederlands Impressariaat | Project Research Amsterdam bv | Cilia Erens | theatergroep Tender | Dogtroep | Don Hünerberg | Francis Marie Uitti | George Lewis | Graig Anderton | Jos Leusink | Opzij | Marc Terstroet | Peter Prommel | Misha Mengelberg | ICP | Han Bennink | Moniek Korteweg | Relly Tarlo | Rian de Waal | Marion vd Akker | Djoke Winkler Prins | Sander Francken | Theo Uittenbogaart | Instituut voor Sonologie Utrecht | Stan Tempelaars | Studio Visible Voice | Wim Hoogewerf | Stichting Dansproduktie | Post Produkties | Martin Kaaij | Het Bommel Quartet | Groninger Gitaar Duo | Malcolm Goldstein | Ninaber Peeters Krouwel | Rail Consult | Bruel & Kjaer Nederland | Nederlands Architectuur Instituut | Pascal Audio bv | Stichting Zinnober | Multi Vastgoed bv | de Haske bv | Radek Boschetty | BBC WorldService | Charlotte Borggreve | Kinder Kook Kafe | Metropolitan Art Museum Amsterdam | Stadsschouwburg Utrecht | Gemeente Den Haag | firma Auping | Stichting Quadrivium | euroGenie | dr M. van Ballegooijen | ...
An Act of Listening
A trilogy CD project with a focus on listening itself. Highlighting different properties & perspectives while enjoying the intriguing, rich & layered of the soundscape around us. Recorded and composed by Kjell Samkopf & Floris van Manen(2002) Music for Large Mountain and Vibraphone →
Field Recording Service
Listening takes time. We do provide in- and outdoor digital audio recording services. With a focus on how music & sound resonate in their natural habitat. We don't rush. If you want to rush, please go elsewhere. We invest the time it takes to capture the sounds as intended. We've been on site recording audio digitally since 1982 and go there where it sounds best. Recordings were used for CD, theater, film, radio, tv & art projects alike.